Monday 28 March 2016


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Significance of astrology was well known to people of ancient history. The stars and evidences of astrology have been found in pre-historic drawings, ancient manuscripts and pyramids. However, the most astonishing discovery about astrology is the birth of Christ according to bible.
It has been resolved that the Bethlehem star was an astrological event comprising of numerous stars with astrological meanings. It is believed that it was not a star but an alignment of planets within Lion constellation. The wise men estimated the event based on astrology to recognize the event of birth.
Astrology still plays an important role in many cultures. People of India and China put together a great stock in astrology even in present times. Practising the art of astrology, they implement it in their daily lives and take major decisions based on astrology.
Presently, astrology has become a form of entertainment rather than science. Almost in every newspaper and magazine,horoscopes based on sun signs publish over worldwide. Actually, astrology is of the paramount importance in its truest form. If astrology is to be defined, it is the study of stars and planets impacting our lives. Moreover, these impact share real time. 
If you have ever noticed that we feel difficulty in making decisions during new moon. The moon and its phases influence our minds and emotions and it is seen only as a small part of astrology significance. 
You might have also noticed that our moods change during the stretches of time without any patterns. However, planetary movements or alignments during those stretches can reveal that pattern. Position of planets in any astrological chart is definitely related to its position in our birth chart. The relative studies reveal the secrets behind mood changes and reactions to various happenings.
Concisely, astrology is as significant in our lives as the moon, sun and stars. Many people and events affect our lives.Astrology influences their lives and events as much as yours.
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