Wednesday 25 May 2016


What should I wear?- it is the common question among women over worldwide. Actually, fashion is something that people have been worried since time immemorial. Everyone wants to look good. Some people are born with great sense of fashion while others just take tips from others. To help you attain a great fashion sense, here we enlist some basic fashion tips:
Know Your Body
To find what looks best on your body it is important to know your body type. You should know your weak and strong point. Get the confidence that you are beautiful. Sometimes, you may not find what your strong points are. In that case, you can take the help your friends.
 Size Matters
Get the clothes that fit you perfectly- nothing too loose and nothing too tight. When people shop online in India, they choose whatever size is available. You should choose the clothes that fit you. is an online shopping site where you can customize a design or size according to your needs.
Cut and Shape
Shapes and cuts in a dress can make huge difference. After knowing your body type, you should pick the shape and cut of a dress accordingly. Choosing the dresses with right cuts and shapes will highlight your strong points.
 Trendy May Not Be The Best
Fashion world changes every minute. It is not necessary whatever is trending may also look fine on you. Say a big no to the clothes or dresses based on the trends and latest styles. In fact, choose what the best on you looks.
Patterns and Accessories
Putting patterns and accessories in same category may look strange but it is vital to know that pattern is an accessory when it comes to fashion. So choose the patterns according to your body type that highlights your curves.

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